AMD has famously been losing money for a long time - they made a loss of half a billion last year. I use three different kinds of operating systems at the same time, an Linux is on the least position of being stable and useable. The whole point of plugins is that they dont need to be maintained as part of the core product. Your inability to read, apparently? Also, usually the maintainers have far superior technical knowledge of their areas to Linus. They are in a bad financial position. You say "so what", but that is the so what.
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NVIDIA has managed to shed their reputation of being completely broken on linux, they have worked closely with kernel folks to get their more recent hardware supported sensibly out of the box and in the process I believe they have managed to reduce the code delta between their windows drivers and linux drivers.

The raid supported kernep the sb is 0,1, or After reading the arguments, I'm kind of on AMD's side.

Visit the following links: GPU support means high-performance computing. Didn't the AMD guy respond months ago that he expects they'll reduce it to like 30k loc? Stuff like depreciation though less of an issue now without the fabs and writing off iernel from e.

Somehow this doesn't sink in.

AMD G (Radeon ) May Be Worrisome On Linux - Phoronix

Oh yeah, the proprietary drivers haven't even begun support for Wayland yet, and probably won't for another year or two. The maintainers are understandably reluctant to accept new code, especially if it doesnt even try to adhere to the coding standards. Ahh, thanks for pointing those out.

The kernel developers don't really care about the GPL either, sorry to say. The A64 was one of the chips whose clock controller support got stuck in mailing list hell for over a year.

What happened to that? Attaching dmesg from ubuntu karmic, kernel 2.

The hw is just too complicated these days. I think we're done here. That's still a huge problem for the maintenance that in-kernel drivers need; they can't have a driver which only one company understands. You make some really valid points. The whole point of plugins kernwl that they dont need to be maintained as part of the core product.

The only great loss here is that AMD can't force kernel developers to maintain substandard code, and will have to do it themselves. The have negative share holder equity.

For better or worse, the Linux development process does not care about democracy or market share or vendor relations. That's probably far more accurate and much more fair than assuming they're just shit programmers. This got into negative territory, but I was being serious. Fedora 12 already installed on different partitions. Something i fear is going on a whole lot in recent years in the FOSS world.


Hacker News new comments show ask jobs submit. You have to read the rest of the comment too. Comment 3 Chris Lumens Linux is no longer in the weak position it once was. If he ilnux it technical it's easier to fix, people want to see their stuff merged. Also, if you could test the latest upstream kernel available that would be great.

Blame ubuntu for following Red Hat's lead, and using their "solutions" to the problem. Yeah, I don't care about nvidia drivers, ljnux. Your freedom of movement is not at stake.
